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High Tensile Steel Wire Mesh
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High Tensile Steel Wire Mesh

High Tensile Steel Wire Mesh / High Strength Steel Wire Mesh / High Tensile Strength Mesh / High Tensile Steel Netting

Our Specifications Of High Tensile Strength Steel Wire Mesh are including

High Tensile Steel Wire Mesh G65/4, High Tensile Steel Wire Mesh G65/3, High Tensile Steel Wire Mesh G80/4, High Tensile Steel Wire Mesh G45/2 etc.

High tensile steel wire mesh has high tensile strength to bear the attacks.

High tensile steel wire mesh is a type of active slope protection system, which made of high tensile steel wires (with ≥1770Mpa, 1370Mpa, 990Mpa and 890Mpa) and the mesh types of the high tensile strength steel mesh are in the shape of Rhomboid Hole and Square Hole, the normally specifications including - G65/3 G65/4 G80/4 G80/3 G45/2 with inscribed circle diameters 65mm, 80mm, 45mm, 40mm, 60mm, 55mm etc.

High tensile steel wire mesh has better harness and tensile strength to bear the big attack of landslide, rockfall, avalanche and debris flow. The high tensile steel wire mesh is mainly used to secure loose, blocky rocks, rock spurs and unstable rock formations. And the high tensile strength steel wire mesh has good adaptability, which can be used on any surface even on the highly irregular surface structures.

High Tensile Steel Wire Mesh

-Wire Materials:

1.) Zinc 95% Aluminum 5%-10% Alloy Steel Wire (Zinc Coating ≥150gr/m2), Wire Resistance ≥1770Mpa, Mesh Ending Knotted ( 1.5laps )

2.) Stainless Steel 304 Wire, Wire Resistance ≥1770Mpa, Mesh Ending Knotted ( 1.5laps )

3.) Heavily Zinc Coating Steel Wire Zinc Coating ≥200gr/m2, Wire Resistance ≥1370Mpa, Mesh Ending Knotted (1.5 laps )

4.) Heavily Zinc Coating Steel Wire Zinc Coating ≥200gr/m2, Wire Resistance ≥900Mpa, Mesh Ending Knotted ( 1.5 laps )

Other wire mateials are also available.


Wire Diameter: 3.00mm, 4.0mm, 2.0mm, 2.2mm4.4mm etc

Mesh Sizes:  83*143mm, 102*177mm, 62*95mm, 65*65mm, 60*60mm, 55*55mm, 50*50mm etc

Mesh Types:  Rhomboid Hole or Square Hole.

Mesh Height: 10mm, 30mm, etc

Mesh Ending: Knotted Edge, Knuckle Edge, Twist Edge, Ferrule Edge etc.

Roll Width: 3.5m, 2.9m, 2.5m, 1.0m etc

Roll Length: 10m, 20m, 30m etc

HighTensile Steel Wire Mesh

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